Get Involved!
Our calling as God's people is to be involved with each other, with the wider community, with global issues, and with our own well being (Jesus said that we were to love God, love our neighbour, and love ourselves). Part of our response to this invitation from Jesus is that we are able to serve each other in different ways. For some people, that is about following a clear call from God to serve in a particular capacity (leading worship, public speaking, healing, teaching - even answering the phone or making sure the kettle is on!). For other people, being involved in Christian community is about the unseen work which gets done because 'someone' has to do it.
There are lots of ways to get involved in our community, to build new friendships, to learn from other people, and to notice where God is calling you next.
There are two things you could do:
1. look at the list below and join a rota
2. have a chat with Rev Joanne and see what God might be saying to you.
From making the perfect brew to updating the website, there is a space for you to meet new people, share your gifts, and contribute to our life here.
Dementia Care team
Pastoral Visitors' team
Property team
Schools work
Financial Oversight
Sound system and technical team
Computer support
Prayer team
Leading Worship
Performing Arts
Welcome team
Mission and outreach
Communications team
Music teams
Accessibility and inclusion
SEND and mental health support
Please email codsallmethodist@gmail for further information or help