Saying Goodbye
We believe that God cares for us in life, and offers us hope for beyond life too. Death is a necessary, but difficult, part of our human experience.
We are able to to support you through the process of preparing for a funeral, as well as in the longer term experience of grief - which you may never fully leave behind (and that's ok). Grief can creep up on us when we least expect (or want) it.

We offer a bespoke funeral service - in chapel, at the local crematoria, or at a graveside. Talk to your funeral director about referring your funeral needs to us, and we will meet with you to discuss everything that you want in the funeral for a loved one. The minister is also available should you wish to discuss your wishes and to plan your own funeral. This can be in conversation, or as part of your will.
In addition to our funeral service, we hold an annual memorial service, so that you can take some time before Christmas, to remember those whom you have loved and lost.
Loving God, Thank you for the people who have changed my life, for those who have journeyed with me for a time, and whom I miss. Be my comfort in my grief. Some days I hurt so much I want to scream. Other days I feel guilty for getting on with life. I'm afraid I might forget them. I remember the good times, but the bad times still hurt. Be with them. Be with me. May I know your peace. Amen.
Please contact the minister via the website