Rangers, Guides, Brownies
and Rainbows
Rangers are for girls, aged 14 -18.
They meet on a Tuesday, 7.45pm - 9.00pm
They meet to do activities, including craft, cooking outdoor activities, go away for weekends, help out at other units, and also have fun with their friends.
5th Codsall Guides, includes:
Girls aged 10-14 (Guides)
Girls aged 14-18 (Young Leaders)
Adults (female) aged 18+ (Leaders/Helpers)
Guides meet on a Tuesday, at Trinity, 7.45pm - 9.00pm
Guides offers a chance to explore a wide variety of games and activities, together with learning a range of skills
Please contact
https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/get_involved.aspx for further information
5th Codsall Brownies meet on a Tuesday, at Trinity 6.00pm - 7.30 Term Time
6th Codsall Brownies meet on a Thursday, at Trinity 6.15pm - 7.45 Term Time
Brownies is about trying new things that teach girls aged 7-10 about themselves, their community and their world. Girls go along to camps, holidays, day trips and sleepovers. They get together with their friends at regular meetings where they learn new hobbies, get creative, explore other cultures and have outdoor adventures.
As well as trying activities in their meetings, girls chose from interest badges related to things they want to know more about.


1st Codsall Rainbows meeting Thursdays, at Trinity, 5.00pm - 6.15pm term time
5th Codsall Rainbows meeting Wednesdays, at Trinity, 5.00pm - 6.15pm term time
Rainbows is for girls, aged 5-7
Rainbows learn by doing. They get their hands dirty, do sports, arts and crafts and play games. Being a Rainbow is all about having the space to try new things. Through taking part in a range of different activities with girls their own age, Rainbows develop self-confidence and make lots of new friends.