Trinity will be serving The Well Foodbank again this Harvest, therefore they would appreciate the following items. We hope that the Well trolley in the Porch will be full to the brim! Thank you in advance to those contributors, Trinity has always been amazing in its giving  - the Well is such a worthy cause and helps so many people

Milk, Cereal, Tea/Coffee, Sugar, Jam/Spreads
Squash, Fruit Juice (UHT), Meat/Fish (tinned)
Rice/Noodles (dried), Pulses/Couscous, soup (tinned)
Vegetables (tinned), Pasta/Cooking sauce (jar),
Fruit (tinned) puddings/custard, Snacks/Biscuits
Nappies (sealed packets size 4, 5, 6), Babywipes/
Toiletries, Baby food (long use by), Ladies/Men’s
Toiletries, Household cleaning products

No baked beans or pasta please

For further information please contact codsallmethodist@gmail.com